By wisdom a house is built, And by understanding it is established, And by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches Proverbs 24: 3-4
August 05, 2009
Becoming Nothing
Wow. Got this in my daily devotional from Girlfriends in God today.
Pride has definitely been rearing its ugly head in my life lately..
Lord, help me to become nothing so You can work within me and others can see You clearly.
Help me to step aside and give You everything.
In Jesus' glorious name,
August 04, 2009
Nothing and Everything
They.. whoever "they" are.. say that moving is one of those BIG transitions that are so stressful on a couple. Seriously. As IF this last year + a few months haven't been so trying? Is the move good? Will He allow it? What is to come of it? Why , why , why am I not at peace?
I am supposing that at this point is it more Me and my fears ruling over me that are the reason for the feelings of unease. I've prayed as well as I could about it. Maybe that's a lie. Quite frankly, I am still mad. Oh what a job He has with me. I should probably reread that book I wrote about eons ago called "Better Than My Dreams".
** Knowing something in your head is entirely different than knowing it in your heart as truth, however.** I do believe I am living in my head right now and not trusting Him to take care of me. So the reason for this post. The hope that getting this darkness out of me and into the Light will help shake me up to see the reality.
July 29, 2009
My boys are a testimony to that.. not only getting older, but personalities shift and grow, phases of wants and needs change.. hmmm
I always thought I was a flexible kind of a person. I am beginning to see my self. My real self as a beloved child of Christ in a new light.
I hate goodbyes. I really do.
When my friend Yvonne left to live in Canada with her hubby because of a great Univ. job offer.. I was torn up.
My brother died in March of '08. I guess that's a different kind of goodbye, since theroretically I can still talk to and see Yvonne and Lukas.
My Nana is having problems with her heart and now her lungs. At 89; she's already been preparing for her goodbye. She's talked about how long she would be here since Ryan
and then her sister passing away. Lots of goodbyes for her too..
But how about the goodbye of expectations previously held? Marriage, parenting, friend relationships.. It all comes down to people, too. All things revolve around relationship.
You really can't be an island. Not for long anyways...
So with transitions I have to expect a goodbye. Maybe that can be a good thing. Maybe the too-tightly-held expectations were a binding string meant to be cut loose. I think I tend towards a glass half empty attitude and I am trying to really see not just the goodbyes.. and the changes or transitions that event brings (sometimes really slowly) but I can also focus on the Hello's.
Nothing happening that I can really post about. It's all a bound up sort of jumbled mess right now and while I won't try to white knuckle the goodbyes.. I am praying I can see and appreciate the Hello's when they happen.
June 24, 2009
The puppies are so cute though! There are six and there are three black with white , two brown and white and a black/brown one...
The runty one looks exactly like Mandy! Even down to the white patch on her chest..
The boys want to keep them all! ha!! not likely... can you imagine 8 dogs in one house?
I can't!
June 01, 2009
Is anyone going to the LPM event in Pittsburgh , PA this next weekend? Have you been to one before? This would be my first time..
May 28, 2009
- I got to teach Jr. Church this last Sunday.. a group of 3yo. to 3rd graders.. I loved that group! I was in heaven with all the little girls wanting to sit with me during the lesson, and the boys won me over with their stories of adventures! The snack comes first, then singing (oh help me!), the lesson (I improvised a little on that.. it worked out really well) and then some fun games in the gym downstairs.. loved it!!
- Small group leaders class was really interesting..
- Jason and the boys went to my cousin's house from Friday until late Sunday.. I had a great time by myself! Wasn't exactly the way I planned it.. but I got the "vacation" I needed!
- Having them come home
- Many stories of fish, salamanders and toads caught while they were away and playing hard with their cousins.
- I had a client schedule an appt. last minute yesterday (and I didn't want to do it because I wanted to have lunch with Jason~ he is working pretty close to home) so I said a prayer (yes I did!) and said," Oh, I would REALLY like to go have lunch with Jason.. what do you think, God? Have this guy cancel if that is okay with you..." Guess who cancelled? Oh yes he did! Don't those little blessings just make you SMILE!???? I am still laughing about it today and telling anyone who will listen about it..
- Tomorrow the boys have a carnival at school.. they are very excited.. I hope it doesn't rain! Otherwise they will do it in the gym and no super bounce or rock climbing wall...
- Tomorrow night is our church's showing of Fireproof.. plus some appetizers and such for the couples to munch on... I am praying that there will be a big turnout and that God's hand will be moving among everyone that evening!
- Making chocolate covered strawberries to bring to the movie night and the picnic our Bible Study group is having on Sunday at Canoe Creek St. Park
- I love being busy and the carnival (I volunteered for clean up.. what was I thinking? I am the only one!!! Hopefully Jason will be home to come help!! hahahahahaha), movie night (same night!), picnic and possibly Jet skiing + dinner with my Jason Saturday after I work a little.... I am SUPER excited!!!!!!!!! Fun stuff!!!
Hope you had a great weekend... things are crazy busy with everything going on.. Doesn't it seem like May just FLEW? The kids will be out of school very soon... They are very excited about that too!!
May 17, 2009
Pleasant riches
- Teaching the kids 4-6th grade this morning.. my two older boys were in the class too.. I like the poster we did on gossiping.... the acronym THINK is used to remind us of how to speak to others... our words should be True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary and Kind... the kids searched through some magazines and glued a collage of faces around the border and the THINK down the middle, center.. It looked great~! very colorful!
- We bought a (new to us) boat.. hoping to try it out on the lake as soon as my very talented hubby fixes some light thingy on the trailer...
- Watched the movie Seven Pounds last night... whew.... I adore Will Smith!! The story line was really complex.. (I only understood it because my nephew told me the whole story a few weeks ago... hahaha) knowing the ending didn't take away from the suspense though...
- Really booked at work this Saturday.. I think that is a good thing!! ;)
- Having a really good pb&b sandwich with a tall glass of ice cold milk... mmmm!!!!
- Jason's beautiful blue/gray eyes..
- Hearing him sing in church... :)
May 07, 2009
May 06, 2009
Some kind of wonderful
Dear Prayer Warriors:
Beth has the privilege of serving as the Honorary Chairman of the National Day of Prayer. She will be traveling this week to Washington, DC to take part in this event. You can get information about the event as well as a information about watching it on line at:
Please join in prayer for Beth this week.
Please pray that:
Beth’s travel to and from Washington will go smoothly and according to schedule
God will bless her with perfect health and spiritual energy
Beth will communicate exactly the message God has for this event
God’s anointing on her would be evident
She will speak within the time and guidelines allotted to her
Each and every leader in our nation would feel the power of prayer (1Tim. 2:1-5)
God would be honored and evident in all the plans and events
God would draw his people back to himself and heal our land ( 2Chron. 7:14)
Thank you for your investment in this ministry. We pray God richly blesses you this week as you serve Him.
Living Proof Ministries
- Two people are interested in buying the boat... we shall see...
- We are possibly interested in a house with loads of land... and a pond, and a stream... :)
- I got to write to our "daughter" Malavika today...
- Tomorrow is the National Day of Prayer
- My Nana seems to be doing okay.. she has vertigo which means the doctor isn't letting her drive right now which is driving HER bonkers...!!! She is an 89 year old spunky lovely lady who lives by herself and cooks, everything still top notch!! Props to Nana!! I can only hope that I will be that energetic and sharp when I am 89!!!
- Strawberry Shortcake (with loads of real whipped cream gobbed all over... mmmmmm!!!)
May 05, 2009
May Madness
- Not really.. I just need a thesaurus to think up more words that mean praise :)
- TJ Maxx rocks
- Cute new glasses I got for the rare times I don't have my contacts in
- Not having to shop at WalMart
The recipes I have come up with for fresh made, organic facials
Here's my favorite:
Oatmeal and Honey
Cleanser: Combine 2 Tbs. of organic yogurt with 1 tsp. (org.) honey.. Mix and apply to face in circular motions for about 2 minutes... Let sit for three.. Rinse off with warm water
Astringent: Puree a stalk of (organic if you have)celery.. wipe the green goo all over your face. Let sit for 2 minutes.. rinse off with warm water
Mask: Combine ground oatmeal (org.) (it's easy.. just use your coffee grinder or food processer.. leave some grit to it so it exfoliates too) and a little bit of (org.) whole milk. Massage around face gently and let sit for about 10 minutes.. Rinse off with warm and then cooler water..
Glowy, smooth, fresher looking skin!! If I actually used this at least once a week like I am supposed to.. then I would never need Clearasil again!
Hope you love it.. try it out and let me know if you glowed too!!
There are a ton of alterations you can do to this facial treatment but try it this way first..
- is the best site out there for a virtual cookbook!!
- Enya
- Chili's endless salsa and chips... I think God likes them too!!!
May 04, 2009
- Last night's bible study was awesome!
- The plans to show Fireproof at the church are really shaping up...
- Rainy day where Jason gets to spend the whole morning with me..
- My niece Maddi was confirmed at her church on Sunday.. she looked so beautiful!
- Apple turnovers from Pepperidge Farms
- Tulips
- Clean laundry
- Pastor Matt and his wife Jen finished the Pittsburgh Marathon.. whoo hoo for them!!!
- NOT feeling inclined to run at 26+ + mile marathon hahaha
- I got hired just before an expansion at our office and things are really interesting (in a good way) with all kinds of new possibilities brewing.. very exciting to be a part of it!!!
- I have a job
- Jason has a job
- I'm a mama... Thanks God! :)
May 01, 2009
Malavika Our daughter is here!!!!!!!!!!!
Malavika Mohan
February 21, 2000
South Asia
Beersheba Child Development CenterPersonal and Family Information:Malavika lives with her father and her mother. She is responsible for carrying water and buying or selling in the market. Her father is sometimes employed as a farmer and her mother maintains the home. There are 2 children in the family.As part of Compassion's ministry, Malavika participates in church activities. She is also in primary school where her performance is average. Rolling a hoop, hide-and-seek and playing group games are her favorite activities.Because of your sponsorship, Malavika will have new opportunities to learn and grow physically, mentally, and spiritually. Thank you for your concern and prayers.
April 30, 2009
Praising Him
- Compassion International... words can't express.............................
- The boys and Jason get to finally have the sister/daughter they always wanted! I can't wait either! I have always wanted to "adopt".. He makes good of all my distraction and not DOING IT earlier.. perfect timing..
- Clean water
- Showers with hot water and fancy shampoo whenever I want..
- A refrigerator and freezer full of yummy fresh food
- Lots of I love you's , hugs, kisses and knowing My Lord is with me (thank you)
- I got asked to help with communion this Sunday woot! I am honored!
- I will be doing a kid's sunday school class with this church I just joined (shout out to 2nd Ave!!) I hope it is as wonderful as the classes I taught at our old church..
- Our ladie's group will be starting that book this Sunday!!
- I hope to be part of organizing a Compassion Sunday at our church shortly... pray that the discipleship director (Jen Harry) can find time to look over the info. and we can work on it together...
- BTW.. Jen's dad (Greg George) is in need of some major prayer.. He has pancreatic / kidney cancer... going to start some alt. cancer therapy.. He works really hard and is already tired already without the treatments starting yet... comfort, strenght, wisdom.. your prayers will be directed perfectly to our Father.. thank you!!
- YOU xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox How can you love someone you've neve seen face to face? Not sure, but I do!
April 29, 2009
Isaiah 58:6-11
"Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter — when you see the naked, to clothe him, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?
"Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard. Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I. If you do away with the yoke of oppression, with the pointing finger and malicious talk, and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday.
"The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail."
April 23, 2009
- Using bullet type writing keeps me from rambling ~ one of my weaknesses
- Other people who ramble.. I love it!!
- My bible study group is going to use this book that I love
- Warm temperatures again this weekend (84 (F) on Saturday????!!!)
- Day 2 of Power 90... thanks to the lovely Morris Mama I looked up P90X (not there yet! ) so I compromised with my tired self and downgraded....
- REALLY , really slow week at work (due to cancellations...) again, not too bad
- Boys who get showers and use soap AND shampoo!!! yayyyyyy!!!!
- Corey thought of a really awesome idea for his birthday party~ a fishing party.. how fun!! We will have about... 12 boys at an uncle's pond to fish for a while on Sat. night (will be really hot that day I hope :)) and then a bonfire to roast hot dogs (gag) and smores (yum).. should be a sticky, smelly mess... I will try to find some way of getting pictures online so you can witness the chaos... FUN!
- Dark chocolate... need I say more?????
April 22, 2009
Lyrics to Mighty to Save by Laura Story... my current favorite song
Love that's never failing
Let mercy fall on me
Everyone needs forgiveness
The kindness of a Savior
The hope of nations
He can move the mountains
My God is mighty to save
He is mighty to save
Author of salvation
He rose and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave
Take me as you find me
All my fears and failures
Fill my life again
I give my life to follow
Everything that I believe in
Now I surrender
Yes I surrender
He can move the mountains
My God is mighty to save
He is mighty to save
Author of salvation
He rose and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave
Shine your light and let the whole world see
We're singing
For the glory of the risen King
Jesus, Shine your light and let the whole world see
We're singing
For the glory of the risen King
He can move the mountains
My God is mighty to save
He is mighty save
Author of salvation
He rose and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave
Your my Savior
You can move the mountains
You are mighty to save
You are mighty to save
Author of salvation
You rose and conquered the grave
Yes you conquered the grave
You are mighty to save
I would post this as a youtube vid but my computer won't play music anymore.. not even for anyone else..
This song is definitely a GOOD!!! :)
April 20, 2009
Something for You
love like you mean it
Bring Your Spouse For Free.
Register for Weekend to Remember and save $129.
Announcing Our Free2Love Offer.
We're making it easy for you and your spouse to get away from life's distractions and focus on each other.
Right now, when you register for a Spring 2009 FamilyLife Weekend to Remember® conference, your spouse can attend for free – a savings of $129.
To take advantage of this offer, visit and enter the key code Free2Love when you register. This registration offer ends April 30th, 2009 so please act today.
Weekend to Remember has helped over 1 million couples strengthen their relationships. It can do the same for you.
Offer ends 4/30/09 (Midnight, Central Time) and applies only to conferences between now and June 2009. Valid only on new, full-price ($129 per-person) registrations.
I got one of these emails and thought I would pass it along to you! We have been to two of these conferences.. they were very informative, and fun, amazing... so sign up if you feel led to.. and let me know how it went!!
April 18, 2009
More goodness
- First day of fishing today! The boys and Jason are out getting all grubby and sweaty~ I love it!!!!!!
- It's supposed to be 70 (F) today.. bring on the warm weather!!
- Praises for answered prayers (thank you, thank you, thank you)
- I have a class tomorrow on leading a small group.. can't wait
- Did I mention Jason won't be away all week for work anymore (at least for a little bit) he's not done a whole lot of that during our whole marriage~ glad he's back!
- BTW- we have been married for 12 yrs.. THAT is praise in itself
- Prayer warriors I have never met but love nonetheless ((((hugs)))) You know who you are... thank you
April 16, 2009
Oh, Happy Day!

April 15, 2009
Praising Him
- Oh! I GET IT! It took some tears and prayer and an email this morning to smack some sense into my dense brain! Ephesians 5, baby!!!
- The love and respect blog I am now following..
- Beautiful Easter flowers from Jason that make my dining room smell so fresh!
- Rain to water the flowers and grass
- Slow week at work, not so bad!!
- Naps, even if I am strangely unable to take one~ I still love 'em!
- Dinner last night was yum
- Jason will be working close enough to home that he will BE home for a while.. starting on Thursday!
April 14, 2009
- birds singing
- earl grey tea-yum!
- wearing Jason's shirts that smell so good
- smooches from the boys
- L's "sloth hug" in the morning (you've gotta get one to understand!)
- Peanut (our shih-tzu) hippity hopping and tearing around the house when he gets excited
- tomatoes fresh and warm from the garden.. mmmmm!!!!
- Jason went to church on Sunday!!
- I only used 1 tissue during service!!
- dirty dishes... wait a second. who put that there?? jk! I AM thankful for a house to live in, warm clothes for us all, many shoes to choose from, food overflowing, money in the bank, gas in the van, a van to drive!, healthy family, the ability to see, hear, write, speak, love and praise the Maker..
"However, as it is written: NO eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him" 1 Corinthians 2:9
I don't currently own a fabulous type of camera. I have a uses-real-film honking huge thing that bugs me to no end.. and a dinky little digital that I have LOST the charging and thinger you hook up to the computer cords.. so I am borrowing beautiful pictures from other much more talented people than me. Pretty!
April 08, 2009
Praising Him
- Ezekiel bread~ yum!
- Sunny skies, puffy white clouds.. I love clouds!
- L's impetigo is getting better
- C made his lunch last night, no small accomplishment!
- T woke up happy
- I get my hair cut tonight
- Sunday is Easter
- Sunday I become a member at my amazing church
- The boys don't have school on Friday or Monday
- The song "Beautiful King" by Danyew (I can only find it online @ myspace) or on my local radio station
- Lead me to the cross by Hillsong
- Peaceful through this storm
- Prayers of friends
- HE will be my husband when my husband can't/won't..
March 04, 2009
Meet my oldest brother, Eddie (but only we the chosen few may call him that.. you may call him Ed.), my hubs, Jason, me... C is the tallest boy(he has a heart of gold!), T has on a black t-shirt( he is my "policeman" always wants what is fair and for everyone to get along), L is wearing a stripey polo (such a ham! and he knows it too ).. then there is my niece K. (the blonde beauty) and nephew B.. (what a sweetheart!) My dear mom is in the middle~ getting lots of love and surrounded by all her favorite people.. :) Well, almost~ but we can pretend!!
This was taken right before Christmas before Eddie and the kids had to go home. I am so glad we got together to get some shots..
We definitely plan to make this a tradition when they get to come back up North and see us..