March 04, 2009

Those cuties down there are my loves!!!
Meet my oldest brother, Eddie (but only we the chosen few may call him that.. you may call him Ed.), my hubs, Jason, me... C is the tallest boy(he has a heart of gold!), T has on a black t-shirt( he is my "policeman" always wants what is fair and for everyone to get along), L is wearing a stripey polo (such a ham! and he knows it too ).. then there is my niece K. (the blonde beauty) and nephew B.. (what a sweetheart!) My dear mom is in the middle~ getting lots of love and surrounded by all her favorite people.. :) Well, almost~ but we can pretend!!

This was taken right before Christmas before Eddie and the kids had to go home. I am so glad we got together to get some shots..

We definitely plan to make this a tradition when they get to come back up North and see us..


  1. What beautiful pictures. Thanks for stopping by and leaving such an encouraging comment on my Ranch blog. OH MY GOODNESS! God is so good. I know people visit, and a few are reading, but I had no idea it would reach out this way. So much of the journey has been pure hanging onto the hem of His robe and just praying I didn't lose hold.

    But He is ever faithful. I knew my name meant "Who is like God (or the Lord)" But, I did not know it meant God's promise. Things that make you go HMMM! My husband's name means "Priestly Dwelling." I just love that.

    Blessings and please find my email and write to me. I would love to pray for your dreams... You are a sister for my heart.


  2. Dear Karen, I just saw your comment on Beth's blog post with New Orleans LPL pics...I wanted you to know that my heart is with you right now, and my prayers are going up for you several times a day now. I can't imagine the added pressure you must be feeling--your children are beautiful, by the way--but I've been where you seem to be, and though I know that much of what I could say to try to encourage you may sound empty or even echo your own thoughts, know that whatever trials God allows Satan to attack you with, He has already purposed out the good that He will use them to bring to you and through you. He has an amazing plan for your life and the life of your entire family. Cling to Him, He will be your very breath and your life will never be the same after needing him so desperately. I do not know you, but know that I love you, my sister. Be strong and courageous, you are not alone. Mary Bess
    P.S. I would have done this more privately as a message or email if I knew how, so feel free to delete it if you don't want it published.

  3. ......prayin', sweet sister! :)

    maria cristina
    London (UK)
