April 18, 2009

More goodness

  • First day of fishing today! The boys and Jason are out getting all grubby and sweaty~ I love it!!!!!!
  • It's supposed to be 70 (F) today.. bring on the warm weather!!
  • Praises for answered prayers (thank you, thank you, thank you)
  • I have a class tomorrow on leading a small group.. can't wait
  • Did I mention Jason won't be away all week for work anymore (at least for a little bit) he's not done a whole lot of that during our whole marriage~ glad he's back!
  • BTW- we have been married for 12 yrs.. THAT is praise in itself
  • Prayer warriors I have never met but love nonetheless ((((hugs)))) You know who you are... thank you


  1. I'm so glad to hear that your prayers are being answered and that you are being prepared for a leadership position of sorts. I just know that God is going to use you in amazing ways! Just wanted to check in and let you know I'm still praying--you just keep letting us know when there are victories so we can praise Him with you! It sound as if there have been small victories daily lately...makes me wanna just belt out the doxology--maybe I'll go outside under the stars and do just that!

  2. I'm a bit envious of your temperatures and fishing opportunities! I wish I had a class on leading a small group since I'm starting one in a couple weeks. I love your praise notes. I'd like to copy that idea for my blog.
    12 years is wonderful! Your verses -> are so encouraging. Yay for Goodness!

  3. Hey Meli, PA temperatures are rather crazy! Today we have torrential downpour and 39 (F)!! No wonder we all keep getting sick.. :) Thanks, I felt like God told me to quit whining (not really haha) and Praise Me!! Please feel free to copy whatever you'd like.. I really love my verses too... they are the ones I am doing for the LPM blog.. You're a Siesta too, right?? :) YAY for Goodness!

  4. Hi Mary Bess, Please do, and thank you so much.. we have an uphill struggle still.. but I am praising!! HUGs!!

  5. Lucky you with your warm (hot!) weather. Thanks for your comment on my blog. I'll post a few photos soon of Scottish comfort food!
