June 25, 2013

While I Was Waiting....

So like God to place the memory of this blog in front of me a few weeks ago--- just in time for some deeper issues of healing that have taken place over these last five years of my blog-hiatus.

I now know of course why I lacked peace about the possibilities of that new house, (that we did get by the way... pond and all). Oh how time works wonders on the heart. If you let it. For so long I hadn't and God in His infinite mercy found it necessary to pry my sticky fingers off a dream which was not to be. Only to place in my brokenness afterwards, Grace.

Broken dreams abounded for some long length of time and still my Jesus carried me, wept with me, urged me to make better choices. To stay strong and choose His best for me. Then the failing. The process beginning from that point and perhaps a little wiser after the scars were still stinging from the recent blow.

Joy abides now. Peace settles like friendly birds on my arms as I lift them high in praise to my Savior. God is good-all the time.