Those cuties down there are my loves!!!
Meet my oldest brother, Eddie (but only we the chosen few may call him that.. you may call him Ed.), my hubs, Jason, me... C is the tallest boy(he has a heart of gold!), T has on a black t-shirt( he is my "policeman" always wants what is fair and for everyone to get along), L is wearing a stripey polo (such a ham! and he knows it too ).. then there is my niece K. (the blonde beauty) and nephew B.. (what a sweetheart!) My dear mom is in the middle~ getting lots of love and surrounded by all her favorite people.. :) Well, almost~ but we can pretend!!
This was taken right before Christmas before Eddie and the kids had to go home. I am so glad we got together to get some shots..
We definitely plan to make this a tradition when they get to come back up North and see us..