June 24, 2009


Mandy had puppies on June 8th! Mandy is our black aussie/border collie mix dog.. Peanut our shih-tzu is claiming to be the daddy... odd mix, isn't it?
The puppies are so cute though! There are six and there are three black with white , two brown and white and a black/brown one...
The runty one looks exactly like Mandy! Even down to the white patch on her chest..
The boys want to keep them all! ha!! not likely... can you imagine 8 dogs in one house?
I can't!

June 01, 2009


Somehow I had been behind on my scripture memory verses... I added one or two so now I am up to where I am supposed to be....

Is anyone going to the LPM event in Pittsburgh , PA this next weekend? Have you been to one before? This would be my first time..